Honesty and trust is the key for all great relationships!
Should be a place of learning together, having fun togehter, and solving problems together!
I always strive to do the best work I can, be clear in my communication, and to be flexible.
Developed great love for the elderly, and much patience as I helped them with their everyday tasks.
Working in Finland for my church.
Was probably the 2 hardest years in my life, taught me great dicipline, organized planning, and hard work.
Bachelor Degree
Java Masterclass
Homepage scraper (Jsoup library)
File formatting (fstream, basic)
Sorting and merging (header files, basic)
Contact book (Struct, file, vector)
Selfmade linked list (Pointers, heap, (Extra: Template))
Bookcipher program (Classes, Reference vs value)
Labyritnth generator (Project for OOP)